Why NOVA CC isn’t a bad choice

As all the high school seniors decide where they are going to go to college, people who decide on NOVA are sometimes embarrassed by it. While the students who bummed high school and wasted their time and their teachers time, maybe going to NOVA should be a little bit embarrassing. However, many of the students who decide to attend NOVA for a couple years did not bum high school and are doing it to save money so that they do not come out of college with excessive student loans. Stay at home college students save 8-10 thousand dollars a year on in state room and board. Out of state room in border can get up to 15 thousand dollars a year. Not only do students save 8-15 thousand a year living at home, but the average out of state tuition for a school starts as low as 30 thousand a year, normally around double the cost of in state tuition for the same school. At NOVA, tuition at NOVA is 171 dollars per credit.

No matter where you go, the first two years of college is figuring out your major. Being as the first two years consist of basic classes that every student needs to take, why wouldn’t a student choose to stay home and go to NOVA and save thousands of dollars. Obviously someone attending a four year college would say the first two years of college are often the best years of one’s life. One thing everyone should take away is that they should really think on where they go to college because by going to NOVA for a year or two saves tens of thousands of dollars and gives them an opportunity to attend any college in Virginia as long as they maintain a certain GPA.