Safe Space stickers fill of halls


Noticed these tags on teachers doors? The teachers with the safe space stickers are saying that their classroom is a safe space for students. According to the Gay/Straight Alliance who distributes the safe space stickers, “By placing a safe space card in your office or classroom, faculty and staff are letting LGBT students know they are supported and they are in a safe space where anti-LGBT bullying is not allowed.”

However, some teachers consider it a safe space for all students for any reason.

“I see it as going for all students,” geometry teacher Casey Grandy said, “To me the safe space sticker is an indication of my classroom being a safe place for my students not only to ask questions and be themselves, but they can also know that they are not going to be bullied, they are not going to be picked on, and they are not going to be ridiculed for being who they are, just because that is who they are and they are special for who they are.”

The safe space stickers appear on teachers doors or in their classrooms. They are saying you are welcome to come to their room to feel safe, comfortable, and welcome.

The safe space stickers are used because teachers feel that bullying is a problem and are trying to help students who are victims of bullies. The safe space sticker helps students that are picked on by giving them a protected room to escape from ridicule.