How Pokemon Go could improve


If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard and most likely even witnessed the fad that is Pokemon Go. A few months ago it was the game everyone was playing and talking about, but a few things have changed since then, as well as the amount of people who are still playing it.

Some people actually take time out of their day to spend time playing Pokemon; whether that’s to have fun with family or friends, use it as a way to exercise or to satisfy their pokemon obsession. Adding new features would definitely attract more players and make the game more enjoyable.

Pokemon go has had a few changes done ever since it first launched back in July.

If you’re familiar with the game then you know that they’ve taken out the pokemon footprints and it’s become a little more of a challenge to find pokemon which have lead for some players to become upset.

The pokemon footprints should definitely make a comeback as well as include other new features and more gifts that would make finding Pokemon Go much easier and fun.

The diversity of Pokemons could also be another start. Pokemons such as, Rattatas, Caterpies, Pidgeys, Weedles are the most common ones to find. However, they are considered to be the least favorite to find due to how common they are and because of their low energy power.

Putting different types of pokemon in unexpected and different locations will not only make more people want to play more, but it will make it easier for other people in populated areas (or where there’s not a lot of pokemon) to have access to more beloved creatures.

“I don’t live near any poke stops so I only play when I get out,” Junior Anakim Herbas said.

Pokemon go at one point became the most downloaded game in the app store. It’s wild popularity has made people wonder off into unexpected places and locations.

The GPS map in the ongoing lucrative app can only show you as much as it will allow you to. It won’t let you go as far as to show you more of your surroundings if you stay in one location, but if it did, it would be much more convenient for players. Players would know where to travel to catch a certain pokemon and would struggle less to find their desired pokemon.

One of the most obvious things Pokemon Go could also do to improve the app and the game in general is to fix some of the glitches. They did try to fix some of the problems in the past, but a few glitches still happen here and there on occasions.

The structure and the design of the game could also change for the better. The Pokemon company could change its layout and design every so often, maybe once every 2 or 3 months or just improve their current layout by adding a more creative and colorful design.

If there were a way to fight strangers without going to gyms and without threatening anyones safety, it would be great, but then again, one can only hope for so much.

“I’ve been watching the Pokemon since I was little,” freshman Jennifer Sanchez said.

Pokemon fans have grown up playing and watching pokemon for most of their childhood. Pokemon has been around for 20 years now and it makes sense for people’s expectation on pokemon games to be somewhat high since it’s already 2016.

“They should listen to their fan base because some people have really good ideas,” senior  Keyla Portillo said.

The Pokemon go company could really benefit a lot from listening to players and fans. This approach on further changes could be taken slowly or haste, either way it will not only make current players happy and more thrilled to play but increase the amount of players.