Ossian Hall Park Clean Up

The Ossian Park clean up took place on May 7th, it was sponsored by the Green Atoms and included The Fairfax Park Authority, Fairfax Police Department and Northern Virginia Conservation Trust. One thing that burdens the park is the massive amounts of trash it holds within it and it’s slowly killing the beauty of park which was renovated in 2010. This was also the idea of our very own SRO officer Crucio.
“It was a priority to clean up this area as in crime but also clean up the park”
Crucio said.

Dr. Brosnan, is the school psychologist here at Annandale she was also a part in this cleanup, is the school psychologist here at Annandale. The cleanup involved about 60 people which helped and cleaned up most of the park up; equipment was provided to the volunteers by the Fairfax County Park Authority.
“We picked up things from old furniture to dirty clothes” Dr. Brosnan said.

Although the park isn’t completely cleaned yet  this cleanup is something they plan to do regularly.
“The kids can really benefit because they can receive community service hours and have the park cleaned up and have the quality of crime go down, we plan to do this regularly” Officer Crucio said.
Keeping  Ossian clean and crime free is the priority, the green atoms and Fairfax County Police are doing right by cleaning up our beloved Ossian Park for students and families to enjoy.