Atoms Writing Center

We all know those long and tiresome essays we have to write during the course of our High School years. Well we should be grateful now because the Atoms Writing Center (AWC) is there to help us out with the essays we have to write.

Students enrolled in Advanced Composition, the students that make up the AWC, learn about the different styles of writing and real-world writing (accademia, business, and social media). The Advanced Composition course not only helps with essays but it will broaden the understandings of the students as they will also focus on improving the critical thinking skills.

One of the best things about this program is also that you can work with a peer where you can say whatever you want freely to them. It will also utilize your writing process making you an excellent essay writer.

There are different perks to this program if you would like to sign up as a tutor. You will receive training for tutoring other people. You will see a significant change in your writing, same changes will be seen in the person you tutor. For your services for the AWC you will receive recognition and will be renown, these services you give will be counted as community service hours.
The program can be a great way to make an impression on colleges showing that you are an all round students willing to dedicate their time wisely. There will be field trips and it can also be a great way to get new friends.