Too late to save the reefs?

We can still revive the over-bleached Coral Reefs

The beautiful, vibrant colors of the Great Barrier Reef were once portrayed as the safe and secure home for Nemo and Marlin.  

However, it is no longer as vivid as it once was. Rather it has now become an empty and desolate wasteland. The cause? Us. 

Located off the coast of Queensland, Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is awaiting its impending death. Despite being on the verge of its demise, it has not completely gone off the face of the planet just yet. 

It still has a sliver of hope of surviving if certain actions take place. But this can only be possible if people build awareness of the Reef. Not only this, but they must learn that it is their daily actions that have lead to this vital problem.

Besides being known as the home of the Finding Nemo stars, it is also composed of other aspects that gives it its established name. The reef consists of over 2,900 individual reefs, and is over 344,400 square kilometers. 

As of right now, the lifespan of the reef is 25 million BC to 2016. With a lifetime of such lengths, it is only right to try and preserve what is left of it.

According to Nature World News, scientists are researching techniques to preserve the life of the Barrier Reef. Despite this, one cannot leave all hope of saving it to the scientists. 

A decent person must contribute their own part complete their share of making the world a better place. Since mankind is the cause of the upcoming death, they should be the ones fixing it. 

Nonetheless, dead and dying are two separate concepts. Being dead is being no longer alive; it is absolute. In contrast, dying is the act of gradually ceasing to exist. 

In this case, the coral Reef is not dead, but dying. We still have hope to preserve what is left. Not everyone can say they received a second chance, so we must take this opportunity given to us and fix our past mistakes. 

Coral bleaching plays a part in causing its previous colors to turn a white, pale colouration. 

The reef is unable to withstand such an intense outbreak, so instead they get severely damaged 

hence the bleached looking color. Death is becoming apparent with each passing day.

Coral biologists say the solution of conserving the reef is creating a new breed of corals that have high tolerance to stress. 

Though the reef is not fully dead, it is very much considered to be. 

In this day and age, nobody cares. No one cares about how their actions affect others and if not others, the environment. 

However, this kind of thinking is unacceptable. What you do as a person, as someone who is living on this planet, affects the person next to you. You cannot just blame it on pure ignorance. 

It is through building awareness for this ending historic relic that mankind may be able to extend its due date by making miniscule changes each day.