Photos reveal beauty in all bodies

Aerie sells lingerie products as a division of American Eagle. The company has a new campaign using everyday women as models and does not Photoshop them. In this photo, the women are sitting on a couch covered with inspirational and motivational words to boost their self confidence. They focus on publicizing their lingerie products through featuring these different models, in hopes of changing the expectations of women and men alike set on them by society.

Bodies. Every person on the planet has something unique and different about them.

We have become accustomed to thinking and believing that there is an ideal body type for every person, or that there is a certain image that people should strive for.

Specific companies, fashion brands and modeling agencies such as Victoria Secret have been known for Photoshopping their models in order to hold up their ideal body type with their products.

However, times are changing. Some companies are adapting to the demands of their customers by using everyday looking models without Photoshopping their appearance. AHS students are embracing the ideas of body positivity and acceptance.

Junior Max Sprabary did a Photoshoot to celebrate the differences that are seen between people in society, despite the fact that they are concealed and found in the shadows. These differences are usually evident in our everyday lives, but are sometimes concealed through the influences of the media in society.

Sprabary began taking photography four to five years ago and since then she never stopped at an opportunity to capture a beautiful moment in nature or in her daily life. Now that she is in her junior year, she has still continued on with it- learning new information that would improve her skills.

Through her photoshoot, she spread the message of body positivity and body acceptance, much like how other Instagrammers, such as Megan Jayne Crabbe, with the Instagram handle of bodyposipanda. Crabbe’s Instagram page focuses on the portrayal of different body types, mainly focusing on people who have a little more weight than the next person. Crabbe produces photoshoots with photographers that have a focus on representing the lesser known or discussed topics such as body dysmorphia.

“I wanted to shine a light on things that are normally frowned upon for people,” Sprabary said “Things that people are usually insecure about but trying to turn this beautiful thing into art.”

There are certain expectations that are placed on women and men alike that prevent or lessen the chances of them showcasing the differences in their bodies, whether that be moles or beauty marks, stretch marks, cellulite and more. Through focusing on these specific areas of the body and the imperfections, it focuses on the specific issues of people and how they may be seen in society.

“Body positivity is a really important topic because a lot of people get bullied for what they wear, look like, or what they do with themselves,” Sprabary said.

If we choose to be the same person, following the same trends and styles, it hinders our capability into fully expressing ourselves and being comfortable in our own bodies. Due to this growing insecurity that people have about themselves, it can affect the way that they live, and prevent them from enjoying their life to its full capacity.

“A lot of people don’t realize that everyone is human. Everyone has body hair. Everyone has a little bit of fat,” Sprabary said.

Sprabary got most of her inspiration from other Instagrammers or photographers. All of the photographers that she researched have shared her same sentiments and have been known to challenge the ideas of an ideal woman and man set created by society.

Such photographers include Peter Devito, who encaptures the wrongness of society by putting “I’m done with the Photoshop” stickers on the models faces. These impactful pictures allow for a conversation to begin, even if the pictures are only looked at for seconds at a time. As time continues, more and more models are being showcased realistically: with stretch and/or birthmarks, disabilities and illnesses.

The teen fashion retailer, American Eagle, has recently created a #AerieReal campaign that focuses on the true form of a human body, with all the scars, cellulite and illnesses- all of which makes us even more unique.

“When I see the words body positivity, the first thing that I would think of is ‘shapes’,” Sprabary said, “People are all different. They come in different shapes and sizes and should all be appreciated and loved.”