Tips to help suppress cravings


Nuts can help curb cravings.

Cravings are challenging when trying to eat healthy. Try these tips to help you help stop those annoying cravings.

1. Gum

If you want to eat something sweet, eat a piece of sugar free gum to trick your body that you are eating something sweet.

2. Fruits

Fruits have sugar in them, but they are natural and good for you. Next time you have a sugar craving, grab some fruit to snack on.

3. Nuts

Eating a handful of lightly salted nuts can help curb cravings. Nuts are filled with protein and eating more protein will make you feel full and satisfied.

4. Small candy treats

Completely giving up sugar will not work with many. Instead set aside small treats every know and then. Never giving into a cravings can cause you to overeat.

5. Multivitamins

You may be cravings certain foods because you are not getting enough vitamins and minerals. Take a vitamin to make sure that you make your daily standard.