IT’S ACADEMIC competes on NBC

IT’S ACADEMIC is the nation’s largest high school trivia and quiz program. Many high schools and secondary schools compete each year on IT’S ACADEMIC.

At Annandale high school, IT’S ACADEMIC is a club for people who enjoy trivia and quizzes.Questions are asked of every subject, including music, history, literature, math and science. Just like other popular game shows, IT’S ACADEMIC uses buzzers during their competitions.

The objective of the competing teams is to answer as many questions as they are able to, out of the total number of questions asked, before any of the other teams buzz in for their answer. Although you must buzz first to give your answer and get points to win, if you buzz before the question is fully stated, your team will not be allowed to answer the question.

Last year the AHS team lost the IT’S ACADEMIC bowl.

“Even though we lost the IT’S ACADEMIC bowl, I feel like the experience in the studio will help us do better during the next Scholastics Bowl, and the NBC taping,” senior Chris Lee said at the end of the last year’s season.

On Saturday, Sept. 26, the AHS IT’S ACADEMIC team competed on NBC against West Springfield high school and Blake high school for the Scholastics Bowl Districts competition.

The team faced against the teams who won the state championship four years in a row. Although they didn’t have high hopes of winning, they had a goal to come in second place.

Our team ended with a score of 300 points for the first round, losing by a huge margin to the team placing first, Blake high school, with almost 600 points.Compared to last year’s final round score of 370-400-420, which was much closer, this year’s results were much less favorable.

One reason which could’ve led to this was that there was more time to prepare last year and the competition started later in the year, around spring time. Because this year’s competition started shortly after the season started in September, they couldn’t attend other practice scrimmages and competitions against other schools, which helped them better prepare themselves compared to this year.

They plan to go through more procedures to help prepare for their upcoming competitions and challenges that they will face in the future.

The next biggest meet is at Woodson for the scholastic bowl districts competition. For the next competition, going to all the meetings and going over material will help prepare them more.

The IT’S ACADEMIC team has regular meetings and will attend scrimmages throughout the school year in order to prepare for round two and later rounds. The team strives to learn more and have better results in the competitions they go to.