Band & orchestra end on a high note

As the school year winds down, the AHS band, orchestral and choral program are hosting their final concerts of the year.

This concerts act as one last show for the year but also as a send off for all senior members. The first concert was hosted by the band on May 21, followed by the orchestra May 23 and lastly, the chorus concert will be held on May 30.

The wind ensemble of the band performed “Folk Dances” by Dmitri Shostakovich, “Into the Silent Land” by Steve Danyew, “Prospect” by Pierre LaPlante and “Xerxes” by John Mackey.

“We performed well and a lot of people told us that they were moved by ‘Into the Silent Land’ due to the fact that it was created in reaction to the shooting at Sandy Hook,” said junior Zak Belkhayat.

“The song was also created recently so we were one of the first high school bands to perform it in concert,” said Belkhayat. “The piece was also interesting because we were accompanied by a narrator from a local elementary school.”

Next was the orchestra concert and the musicians were equally happy about their performance. The artiste orchestra performed “How Far I’ll Go” from the film Moana, “The Highlander” by Deborah Baker Monday, and “Bagatelle” by Antonin Dvorak.

Junior Carter McGraw was satisfied with the orchestras performance, “I think we performed well and the concert was a great way to send off the seniors.”

The final concert will be hosted by the choral department and singers have high hopes for the performance, “I’m excited for our last concert and we’ve improved and bonded with each other throughout the year,” said junior Harneet Bhullar.