Could hair dye lead to breast cancer?

Now a days it’s all the rave to dye your hair, and change your style. To most, the only real dangers of dying your hair is staining the rug, or ending up with a color you hate and are then stuck with for a few weeks. But recently, new studies have arose to discover that there might be more dangers to dying your hair than we all previously thought.

In recent articles, they show that one possible cause of breast cancer is the exposure to certain chemicals. And hair dye by itself has something over 5,000 chemicals in it. According to researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences have discovered that women who use permanent hair dyes are more likely to develop breast cancer than those who don’t.

But they also discovered that the use of semi permanent or temporary dye has little to no risk relating to breast cancer. So that finding may take away some of the scares it might cause.