Three tips to stop mindless snacking


Snacks should be limited.

When summer comes, many students are home more often than at school. Those students tend to get bored and end up snacking for most of the day. Usually those snacks consist of chips, candy and other fatty foods. Some may not even exercise so it is easy to gain a few extra pounds over the summer, but here are some ways to help minimize snacking.

1. Are you really hungry?

Before you head to the pantry, determine whether you are bored or actually hungry? Drink a glass of water and wait to see if you are still hungry. Dehydration can be perceived as hunger.

2. Substitute

This method could go two ways:

1. Whenever you feel hungry and you already determined that you are feeling actual hunger replace junk food snacks with healthy          alternatives; some are: spinach with veggies, a yogurt fruit cup and a fruit mix. Other choices may be plain fruits or vegetables.

2. Some teens just want to eat because something tastes good, so if are feeling bored and hungry think of having to eat a particular            healthy food item instead of the junk food. You may think twice about eating; to go even farther replace the unhealthy foods with            healthier choices.

3. Distraction

You’re watching some television, trying to relax and a commercial comes on for some food, suddenly you feel hungry even though ten seconds ago you were not. Change the activity you are doing when your mind starts to wander. You can exercise, read a magazine, take a walk or do a hobby that you have waiting to do all school year.

Snacking is great when you need an energy boost or the next meal is far away, but snacking too much can cause negative effects like gaining weight and increasing your blood sugar, so snack smart.