Returning to a new healthy school routine


Judy Nanaw

When short on time, grabbing breakfast from the school cafeteria is a quick alternative to making breakfast at home.

Unfortunately, now that school is back in session, going to sleep at 2 a.m. and waking up at 12 p.m. is no longer an option. We cannot be as carefree as we were over the summer and need to create a better schedule. In addition to changing our schedules back to fit in school, sports and clubs, it is important to make sure that your schedule takes care of your sleep, mind, body and overall health.


Without a doubt, one of hardest things to get used to again when school starts is a regular sleeping schedule. This also happens to be one of the most important things to take care of.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep every night to function best. Not getting enough sleep can be extremely harmful to one’s well-being because the only time when one’s brain is able to completely rest is when they are asleep. Also, you are more likely to have skin problems like pimples when you lack enough sleep.

“I know that with my IB classes and workload I won’t be able to focus and get through the day without sleeping at least seven hours,” junior Michelle Akl said.

More and better sleep will help you improve your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and memorize, so make sure to set your alarms and wake up feeling satisfied.


Everyone faces the morning panic of trying to get ready on time now that we are back at school. This often makes time to have breakfast impossible but skipping this meal can make the rest of your day harder.

“I think breakfast is very important because if I don’t eat my breakfast it’s just like I’m missing a part of my day,” said senior Karla Mejia. It’s part of my morning routine.”

Having breakfast will wake your body up and provide it the fuel it needs to function well for the day. It will give you energy and help keep your mood and school work from suffering. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.

Once you get your sleep in order, not having time for breakfast should not be an excuse. If anything, you can pre-plan what to eat or take something on-the-go.

Besides, how embarrassing will it be when your stomach grumbles really loudly in a silent classroom? Think about that the next time you run out of the house without grabbing a granola bar first!


Life is not easy when it is a mess. With all the papers teachers hand out, supplies you have to carry, and events you need to attend, figuring out how to organize it all becomes vital.

You will find that getting through school is a lot less complicated when you know where your things are and remember what was assigned to you. This will keep you from becoming stressed and worrying your mind.

Stress is dangerous not only for teenagers but for all people. It is terrible for one’s bones, muscles and brain. Although school can get tough with the workload, do not make it harder on yourself by being disorganized. When you clear your space, you clear your mind.

Keep from losing your things and forgetting appointments by using binders and folders for your papers and an agenda or calendar to record homework and events. Do not be that messy person that stuffs their papers in their bags and constantly asks what the homework was because they did not write it down!


Entering the school building every day again means entering it with 2,000 other students. This makes you exposed to all of their germs which can be in the air and on all the things you touch. You would be surprised at just how unsanitary some people and areas in the school are. Some people walk out the bathroom stall without washing their hands.

Make sure to wash your hands before heading to eat lunch to avoid getting all the germs on your hands into your mouth and getting sick. It is also a good idea to carry hand sanitizer with you to apply throughout the day.

Another thing that is often forgotten when around so many people is the possibility of them carrying lice– sometimes without them even knowing! Lice is overlooked because it is highly unnoticable but to stay safe one should not get too close to others’ hair and never share brushes or hair accessories.


Even though your schedule is going to become more packed because of homework and clubs, it is important to leave some time for exercise.

Especially if you do not do sports, you should definitely incorporate some type of exercise into your day. Whether it is a simple walk around the neighborhood or a personal workout routine, any type of exercise is key to keeping a healthy body.

This especially reaches out to juniors and seniors as physical education is no longer a required course for you. Taking it into your own hands to find the time to exercise for an hour is recommended for teens.

Only eating healthy will not guarantee a healthy lifestyle as a balanced diet needs to be accompanied with daily movement in order to maintain a stable mind and body.

Because the school community does not only consist of students but also includes teachers and other staff members, it is important that the faculty also stays healthy with their own school routine.

“I always make sure that first I eat right,” Arabic teacher Ola Layaly said. “I get enough sleep every day and best of all I try not to upset my stomach.”

It can be hard accommodating to the changes that come with back to school, but when adjusting, make certain that above all you are caring for yourself during the shift into a new routine. Sleep, eat, de-stress and stay clean to stay happy!