Honeymoon impresses fans

Lana Del Rey switches up her style on her new album


To any die hard Lana Del Rey fans, her most recent album Honeymoon was definitely not disappointing. If you’re a new listener, you should start with her previous hit projects, such as Young and Beautiful, Ultraviolence and Born to Die. In the beginning some of the songs on this album were a bit of a let down compared to her earlier songs.

A lot of the music on this album is slower than her usual tempo which is why some people were not as satisfied. After getting further into the collection of songs, however, her music was restored. You can tell a lot of the new songs on this album have meaning behind every lyric and that’s what is so enjoyable about her work.

What sets this album apart from her other works is that there is a darker, more mysterious vibe the music gives off, which definitely makes it a rainy day favorite. If you’ve listened to her previous songs, you can see the difference in the style of music, she’s changed it up, and once you get into the album, you get used to the dark dreamy sound.

One of the best songs from Honeymoon is “Freak” because it’s beautifully written, her voice is flawless and so is the beat. Something people notice off the bat about Lana’s songs are how catchy some of them can be, anyone who listens to the radio could probably recite all the lyrics to Summertime Sadness perfectly.

In the future it would be nice to hear some happier sounding music from Lana similar to an oldersong of hers called “Video Games,” which is one of her most popular love songs. Lana has an older, retro sounding voice and she especially embraces that trait of hers In “Video Games” and a few songs on this album such as “God knows I tried,” “Don’t Let Me be Misunderstood,” and of course “Honeymoon.”

The cover of the album also gives off that retro feel which is why the darkness of the music on this album is surprising. Even though one wouldn’t fall head over heels for this album in the beginning, it grew better after listening to it for a while. Lana Del Rey is definitely an iconic artist of our generation and one can only imagine the success her music career will bring her in the future.