Leadership dives into action with new things to come

After Homecoming, Leadership still has a lot of events that they want to partake in for the rest of the year. As of now, they are focused on their service projects, which are ESOL, the parent resource center and Special Olympics.

“Service projects are us basically doing community projects but within the school,” Leadership teacher Jessica Arias said.

For the ESOL project, leadership works with students who are in Level 1 or 2 English. Most of the time, the students are new to the country. They like to go in and do activities with them as well as introducing new things like pep rallies.

The parent resource center is run by a couple parent liaisons. It is similar to a food bank and thrift store all in one, located in the trailers. Students who do not have clothes and food at home can grab some things from the parent resource center for the weekend. They also have pairs of shoes and winter coats that can be provided to students that need them.

“I think that it is really cool that there is such a place for kids in need of materials. I will spread the word and inform others about this trailer,” sophomore Fauzah Kargbo said.

A lot of people are not aware of the help available, which enables Leadership to help and promote what they are doing. The parent resource center has two main parents, Marie Sanchez and Gisela Delgadillo, that have their work cut out for them.

“I never knew of such events but would like to participate in helping when it comes to them,” sophomore Taylor Poe said.

Leadership offers their assistance by helping organize activities. Leadership’s last event would be Special Olympics. Their Cat B Special Ed program has gotten a lot bigger this year with much more students.

Events like these are put together to make these students feel as though they are part of the school. Last year, teachers started the Special Olympics basketball team. Leadership participates by going to their practices and attend their tournaments to play with them.

After these service projects. leadership will then focus on events like the winter pep rally, Mr Annandale, Heritage Night, and spring pep rally.