Humans of Annandale: Lauryn Mills


Lauryn Mills

I am not just goal-oriented. I am purpose-driven. This year has challenged me to find the appreciation of extracurriculars. Constantly feeling the pressures of being an honor student/IB diploma candidate, the pandemic not only gave me the freedom to pursue things that I was interested in but also gave me the courage to try new things. 

The most memorable being starting my non-profit Girls Steps to Success. My vision is to encourage young girls to feel empowered to be the best versions of themselves, in whatever that might be. I want to bring girls from all around the country together so we can all uplift one another. 

I joined the Equity Team this year and became the student chair for the College Assistance Committee. What I thought would be just another club turned out to be one of the most absorbing (and I mean this in a good way) experiences. It has taught me so much about what it means to have an equitable society, but more importantly, what it takes to get there. 

The college application process has always fascinated me, which is why I felt drawn to this committee in particular. With this committee, I have created a website that guides students on the journey and is currently working on a student panel discussion for First-Generation Low-Income students. 

I have played the cello for six years and have recently picked up the piano. I love writing, so I became a writing tutor for the writing center and am now the workshop coordinator. I love painting and just picked up film photography. 

I have also run varsity track and field since my freshman year and enjoyed pushing myself to my limits as an athlete. Instead of listing all of these activities, I like to consider myself an artist. Music is an art in the same way writing, photography, painting and even running are all art forms.

I don’t do all of these extracurriculars and hobbies because they look good on college applications. I do them because it is my purpose: to help young women, to make an equitable change, and to remain authentic to myself through my art. 

In college, I want to major in STEM and plan to be equally as purpose-driven as I am today, as I will in the future.