Who Am I?
I was born in…
I went to school at…
NVCC and George Mason University to study mathematics.
What are some of your favorite movies/books/tv shows?
I have so many. My favorite movies are Star Wars, Mad Max Fury Road, Fight Club, Young Frankenstein,, I could go on forever.. Books: One of my favorite books are And Then There Were None, Requiem for a Dream, and A Clockwork Orange. TV shows, There are so many! Currently, I love Mandalorian, Breaking Bad, Community, Yu Yu Hakusho, and more…
During the pandemic I…
Was studying mathematics and working as a student teacher at Annandale High School!
What do you enjoy doing outside of school?
I love to read a lot of articles about many things, but mostly in science. I love to play video games, I am a huge video game enthusiast. I enjoy watching TV shows/ Movies.
Some fun facts about me…
My parents are both from an Island called Cyprus, I am the first generation of my family and also one of the first to graduate from a University. I also found out I am the only one in my family who majored in mathematics.
What subject do you teach?
I teach geometry and statistics/probability
How long have you been teaching in AHS?
This is my first year teaching at Annandale High School.
Why did you decide to start teaching?
Coming from a family where they had struggled a lot. My father was a refugee when he was a teenager, my mom was poor and lost her father when she was four years old. My parents have done so much for me that life most of the time has been easy, however my parents have always reminded me to appreciate things that they did not have when they were children. Understanding this, I wanted to share my own parent’s passion on understanding life and how to enjoy it by learning so much from it.
This AHS staff member is Mr. Loutsios!

Senior Michelle Collins is in her fourth year of the A-Blast as a Co-Editor in Chief and was previously the Spanish editor and social media manager. Shes...