A Farmer’s view of GMOs


Jennifer Peters

GMO technology is good science, appropriate and safe.  We cannot afford to live in world free of risk..it is beyond the collective means.  There is NO legitimate research to show that GMO products are unsafe.
I was unaware that the biotech companies do not permit research on their products..but it makes since it their traits are private property and  patented. No different that pharmaceuticals.
GMO products are integrated into processed food.  Wheat,Vegetables, fruit and potatoes do not have any GMO traits.  GMO have been developed on the large acreage crops such as corn, soy, canola. cotton . l
Large volume of use is needed to justify the development  costs.  
Our challenge is to produce food on a limited area of the planet with appropriate soil, climate and infrastructure to grow, harvest , store , process and ship food.  GMO products help to maximize those limited resources.
Our goal should be to produce food at a reasonable price so all segments  of our  population have access
to healthy nutritious food.  It is easy for the Elite” to talk of organic and non gmo food, but it is really a selfish self centered concern, when others cannot afford the appropriate food.
Personally, I don t like Monsanto  Syngenta, Dow, BASF, Dupont, because of their business tactics. They have hurt me in my career…but they are in the drivers seat and Wall street knows it.
I think the public has a hard time identifying the farmers perspective.  Most people are very removed form the reality of agriculture.

I can understand why people have concerns about GMO technology.  It is a legitimate concern.