Yearbook ignites

High school is where memories are made and yearbook is meant to preserve that. The task of making the 300 page yearbook begins at the first week of school and finally sent off to the publishing company in the midst of third quarter.

The design and layout changes annually and is decided by the yearbook team at the beginning of the school year. Last year the theme was out of it, and this year it is ignite.

“New things we’re adding into the yearbook this year is playing with more white space. Which means that we’re creating new layouts and kind of playing what we have since the standards for the past two years have been quite the same” Yearbook co-editor in chief Sabrina Hugun said. “Between the two other editors in chief we all agreed at cap to work with white space and embrace it on a layout rather than filling the entire spread with pictures and words.”

Hugun, like many other Annandale students, looks forward to the dubut of the yearbook in early June

“The thing I enjoy the most is seeing the end product of course. I know that I’ve made a mark to a school whether it’s taking simple candid picture to writing the closing of the yearbook” Hugun said.

This is Hugun’s first year in the leadership position on the yearbook staff and she is looking forward to taking on the new role.

“This year for the yearbook I’m looking forward in leading my staff as editor in chief” Hugun said. “I’m extremely excited to work with them in creating my senior yearbook but also allowing them to grow creatively.”

The collection of photos and interviews for the yearbook take a time consuming process. But it is nothing compared to the time staff members editing it.  

“My favorite part of the yearbook is one of the most dreadful part which is editing. Although it’s a pain, it pays off in the end. It gives me a sense of leadership to know that I am the one who essentially finalizes it but also submit it off when it’s done” Hugun said.

Yearbooks are on sale now and price for the yearbook increases as time passes by. So get yours while you can.