
The feeling of your name in on the school ground is one of the best choices you can make. High School is a place where friends and your future are created. Annandale will not be forgotten to you, but for others after you graduate you are forgotten. This does not mean it has to be your fate after High School instead you can carve your name on the long lasting bricks.

These bricks come in four different sizes; the 4×8 brick with three lines of text for $75 while the 4×8 brick with three lines and the annandale logo costs $100. The 8×8 brick has six lines for $125 while the 8×8 with four lines with the annandale logo or you can choose your clipart which costs $200.

The bricks can be placed in different places around Annandale. There are five places the bricks can be placed at which are the Bolding Stadium, Carter Field, Athletic Lobby, Track, and Softball.  You can order the bricks in here.

The order deadline is on February 28, 2017, but orders now because the space for bricks will be unavailable as more parents will buy a lot more bricks at the end of the school year as their seniors graduation looms. Leader of the bricks installation Christine Adams said “I would like to see more coaches order them. Coach Behne has purchased some bricks to recognize standout players with the basketball program”
Adams stated “ I recommend them for parents with seniors. However some families buy the 8×8 brick and put all their kids on it.” Adams added to that by saying “It’s also a nice way to recognize a student who does something outstanding no matter which grade they are in”