New year, new precautions

With the new school year having started, it’s important that we’re aware and knowing of the simple, but essential rules and guidelines we have to follow. Just because the pandemic is more manageable and less scary doesn’t mean it’s gone.

We have to make sure that we are wearing masks, not only that, but above our nose. We might struggle with this, but it’s not only for us, but to make sure others are safe. It may be possible to get it while still actively wearing a mask, but the risk lessens when you’re doing a simple thing by just wearing a mask.

Another thing we have to do passionately is to take part in good hygiene, especially at this time. Washing your hands, using hand sanitizer, showering often are all things that should be normalized if you are able to.

Even though we don’t have “six feet apart” restrictions anymore, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t distance ourselves at all. We have to be aware that just because the vaccine is here doesn’t mean that the virus just vanishes.

Some people don’t have the equipment or time to get the vaccine, so if you are able to, then you should. While we have to respect each other’s beliefs, this is something that includes people’s lives, and sometimes it’s better to be safer than to be sorry.

The most important thing however, is to make sure to go to the doctor if you have any types of symptoms and to not just brush it off easily as it’s important to be conscious about everything right now.