Girls track excels at last meet


Grace Hogye

AHS 4×800 team starts the race this past weekend at West Potomac

The spring track season is underway and the girls team is reflecting upon their last meet at West Potomac High School on April sixth. This was the team’s first non-invitational meet and it gave the girls an opportunity to be aware of the team’s standings for the season.

Although it was a relatively small meet (it only included AHS, West Springfield, and West Potomac), the girls still worked hard to prepare for the meet and strived for success.

“All the girls from our team looked fantastic,” returning runner, senior Yenifer Osorio said. “They tried really hard and gave it their all for each of their races.”

Many members of the girls on the team seem to be proud of the accomplishments they achieved at their first meet. A lot of team members even set personal records for the season and excelled in their races.

After their participation in their first meet, this year’s spring team seems to be happy with their standings after the first meet, but they still have room for improvement.

Their next meet is approaching and they are eager to improve before they race against Lake Braddock, TC Williams, and West Springfield on Wednesday, April 13 at West Springfield High School.

Schools like Lake Braddock and TC are known to have many successful and talented runners. It may be difficult for our team to race such competitive schools, but the team has proven successful and is ready to face the challenge.

Because of the upcoming challenging meets, the team has been working hard to improve. Luckily, their participation at the West Potomac meet allowed them to see where other schools stand. It also helped the team discover weaknesses or areas in which they need improvement.

The girls are diligently working hard to perfect those areas and improve personally as well as a team.

“Before the next meet, we need to improve our communication and we need to listen to the coaches more.” Said sophomore, Ingrid Guardado.

“Things can go really fast at meets and it’s important to be on the same page.”

The girls will continue to work on this, as well as other aspects that need improvement, before the next meet and for the rest of the season.