Vaping becomes a greater issue at AHS

Many of the students who attend AHS can, unfortunately, say they have tried some form of vape.
For a large number of students, it has become a part of their daily routine, meaning that they are addicted.
For those who do not know, a Juul is a new form of an e-cigarette that got very popular for teens in the past 3 years.

“To me, vaping is completely pointless,” junior Najma Abikar said. “I don’t get why people start just to get addicted when you can simply avoid it. It’s supposed to be for people who are addicted to nicotine.”
One single Juul pod is equivalent to 20 cigarettes packed with nicotine.

The average Juul user can use 3 Juul pods or more in as little as one week.
Most people do not see the danger of vaping because it is advertised to be a better and healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes or other harmful drugs.
When people try to quit smoking cigarettes, they tend to slow down their smoking rate by using Juul or another type of vaping product like Smok, Wismec and many more.
When advertised, the model will be releasing a puff of smoke with a bright smile on their face, making Juul look like a positive alternative.
“I know vaping is bad for you and you can get addicted to it,” senior Milcha Brhane said, “But I know a lot of people who do it, so I think it has become a pretty normal thing now.”
While we mostly see the positive effects of switching from cigarettes to Juul, there are also a large amount of negative effects that are potentially life threatening.
When people inhale the nicotine that is packed in vaping products, not only does it affect that person’s heart or lungs, but it can also severely damage their teeth and gums, which increases the chances of developing cavities.
The damage that a cigarette causes is bad, but when using a Juul or vaping product, you put yourself at risk of developing “popcorn lung,” which is short for bronchiolitis obliterans.
The condition attacks airways in your lungs, making it harder to breathe and exercise.
Many students spend money on the juice that goes into a vaping product or Juul pods. The prices may not seem that high, but over time, the cost adds up and it can really get expensive.
People who constantly Juul or vape can typically spend about $180 per month.
The Juul starter kit costs $49.99 and other vaping products typically cost around the same price, sometimes more.
What usually happens is, teens buy the vaping product and sell it to other teens for a higher price to make their profits.
Instead of wasting money on these vaping products, teens could be saving their money for things like clothes, shoes, and even college savings, and avoid harmful effects at the same time.