Teens getting famous over nothing

15 seconds of fame overrated

as all that was heard in the halls a few weeks ago.

It all started from a series of snapchat videos of 15-year-old Joshua Holz filming his friend, Daniel Lara, as he yells “Damn, Daniel” in a high pitched voice, pointing at his white Vans sneakers.

The video quickly became viral and  many parodies were made.

The trend lasted weeks, and was brought up in most conversations. Soon, the two Californian teens were guests on the Ellen Show.

These teens have now amassed so many followers over 15 second videos. Now, the trend has become overdone, and for the most part, unfunny.

Trends like these do not offer anything, but possibly a quick laugh.Now, fads and trends like “Alex from Target,” the “Running Man Challenge” and “Trust Fall Challenge” are able to grow in attention because of the ability for simple things to become famous.

Despite having little significance and impact except to distract us, these trends have gotten a lot of attention from teens, mostly for humor.

Another famous trend that gathered a lot of attention is the “Running Man Challenge,” started by New Jersey teens Kevin Vincent and Jeremiah Hall. The challenge is a scufflelike dance move.

The challenge has gone viral from two University of Maryland basketball players who saw the video and copied it.

Soon after, teens across the nation were participating. Later, the New Jersey teens and the two UMD players were brought onto the Ellen Show and the two teens were awarded $10,000 scholarships.

The scholarships were not given based on merit or skill, rather they were given based on how popular they were. That is not to say that the challenge is not amusing, but the rewards for creating a simple dance are too high.

Additionally, it was the two UMD players that made the video viral, and the New Jersey teens were rewarded for their luck.

Those are just two examples of trends that have gotten attention for simple and sometimes unoriginal fads. There are dozens out there, and hundreds in the past that have amassed thousands of teens.

That is also not to say that all the trends have no significance. For example, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge brought attention to Lou Gehrig’s disease, a disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function. The challenge is supposed to simulate that by pouring ice on one’s body.

As much as these trends are infuriating for their lack of substance and originality, they do sometimes offer a good laugh. The only problem with them is that they gather so much attention and the creators reap so many rewards that are, for the most part, undeserved.

More trends should be focused on fads that have real messages behind them, like the ALS challenge.

Another problem with these trends is that many of them like “Alex from Target” are brought to attention because of looks. Another trend like this one, is the “Don’t Judge Me Challenge.”

The challenge is when people make themselves “ugly” and then they cover the camera and complete a transformation and emerge as “beautiful”.

When it was first created, the message was supposed to tell people not to judge someone based on look, but it quickly turned to the message: wearing glasses and braces are ugly, and with tons of makeup you are beautiful.

Not only does the challenge not offer a good message, but it sends a bad one. That is why we must be careful with what things we make into trends. Additionally, those who make these trends can’t be treated like royalty.

These trends offer a good laugh, but sometimes we are overdoing it with how much attention we are giving them.