Freshmen Danny Salisbury’s time in Puerto Rico

While sitting on the deck of the cruise, freshmen Danny Salisbury was overtaken with a sense of adventure and mystery. He cannot wait for his voyage to Puerto Rico to be begin. During his time in the foreign country, him and his family witnessed Puerto Rico. Despite its short duration, he made the most of his time by walking through the streets of a town. There, he passed by several shops that sold popular items in the country. This allowed him to get a glimpse of the different culture compared to the United States.

He stated that the capital, in particular, was one attraction that stuck out most to him.

“It is a place very close to my grandfather’s heart,” Salisbury said. “He was stationed there when he was in the military.”

While walking through Puerto Rico, he states that he realized that the roads were not a safe place to be. Transportation was a safety concern due to residents generally not abiding to traffic laws.

“I witnessed one driver drive on the sidewalk to get around another car,” Salisbury said, made me realize how lucky I am to live in America.”

By travelling to different countries and growing accustomed to the daily lives of its locals, Salisbury stated that it helped him realize that the things he takes for granted are necessities that people in other countries highly sought after.