We should all be vegetarians and here’s why

When it comes to meat, health critics may have disagreements. On one side meat is beneficial to you because it contains proteins our body needs, it contains nitrates which benefits us and has vitamins they can provide for us. On the other hand, however, meat can lead to cancer, obesity, type two diabetes, and heart disease. 

According to Healthline, the way how we cook certain meats can negatively impact us.  If you’ve been grilling barbecuing or smoking  your meat at high temperatures, you need to stop.This produces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, a type of toxic compound, which can rise and seep into the meat. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can cause cancer.

Let’s just say this right now, you have to love steak, beef, lamb, pork or goat. If you don’t, good for you, but if you are on a regular basis eat these types of red meats, your at risk. According to Healthline ,observational studies have shown  that red meat is linked to several types of cancer. This includes very well known cancers like digestive tract, prostate, kidney, and breast cancers. Going back to cooking meat at a  high temperature, red meats cooked at a high temperature had a strong link of causing cancer.

According to Healthline, white meat doesn’t seem to be strongly linked with cancer as red meat is.Poultry consumption can reduce the risk of colon cancer, even when cooked to the point of charring.

Many studies have  linked high intakes of red and processed meat causes obesity. The results from individual studies varies though because each person is different when it comes to health factors.

According to Healthline, in one study, people who ate large amounts of red meat and processed meat  took in about 700 more calories per day than those who ate smaller amounts.Although red meat is frequently linked to obesity and weight gain, white meat isn’t according to a study. According to Healthline one controlled study found no difference in weight changes among people who were assigned chicken for 3 months. 

Although meat does have many beneficial factors that help us , it also has many risk factors to cause health scares. Eating red meat and processed meat causes problems such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease. The best thing anyone can do to prevent these risks is to cut meat out of their diet altogether.