IB Spotlight: Rachel Champion

Q: How do you keep up with your academics and social life?

A:  Marching band is my social life, and I usually keep in touch with everyone via Facebook and group chats. With academics, I do most of my homework in class, during W4, and at lunch. I try to get as much done before practice so I’m not swamped with homework and tired from practice.

Q: What are your studying habits?

A: To study, I like to review each lessson at home and rewrite my messy notes so they’re understandable and easy to study in the future. My personal study habits are very rigid. I have a schedule of blocked time that I follow. One hour will be used for say, Physics Homework, and after that I’ll have two hours for Spanish homework. I try to use my time as efficiently as possible.

Q: What are your plans after high school?

A:  After high school I want to go to college and study either Aersopace Engineering or Astrophysics and minor in East Asian Studies.

Q: What is your extended essay topic?

A:  My Extended Essay topic is in the Physics Topic and is about whether magnetic levitation of a hoverboard is the best way to hover a craft. My Extended Essay will include an experiment using magnets glued to boards carrying different payloads.

Q: Is your only focus academics?

A:  I would say yes because on top of my in-school tasks, the things I do outside of school for fun, are academic in some way. I’m teaching myself Korean at home, and while it’s not for school, I’m still learning. I like to compose music too and what I learn from composing, I can recognize and apply in band class. Since this last year is a very important one with the Extended Essay, IB Exams and College Applications, I think that my main focus will be in-school academics.

Q: Who or what has helped you on your IB journey?

A: A lot of people have helped me on my IB journey. Ms. Holmes, Ms. Bradshaw and Ms. Zurawski helped ease my anxiety about the extended essay and the IB Program in general. Mr. Youmans helped me manage my extended essay topic when I tried to do too much with it; all the other IB Diploma Candidates have helped too, in some way or another. Whether confirming due dates or catching me up in a class I missed due to an absence. And, of course, my parents are always supporting me and are proud of me for taking on such a challenge.

Q: Who is your favorite IB teacher?

A:  I love all my IB teachers! I’ve always loved science and was excited for Physics, but Mr. Tyndall’s physics class helped me discover my love for physics and my desire to go into Astrophysics or Aerospace Engineering. Ms. Miller’s Anthropology class exposed me to so many different cultures and customs and I use what I’ve learned in that class when I research cultures on my own. Those are only two of seven IB teachers I’ve had, but trust me, each one has done something for me that I will remember.

Q: What advice would you give future IB diploma candidates?

A:  My advice would be to eat healthy and drink a lot of water. I also encourage future candidates to experiment with different note taking techniques to find which one suits them best. Everyone learns differently, and they should know how they learn so they can help themselves in the future. Another piece of advice is to get to know current IB Diploma Candidates if you can, they can kind of coach you when you are feeling overwhelmed or are unsure about IB. Keeping a good network of positive people around you is important too. 

Q: What skills do you think the IB program has taught you that you can help you later in life?

A:  Time management is the biggest skill that the IB Program has taught me. I am good at blocking out time to do tasks now and I know for sure that will be important in the future. Another skill I have grown is organization. With color coding, filing and tons of labeling, all my work for school is organized neatly.  One last skill I have mastered through IB is endurance. The ability to get through a tough task! There were many tough days where I reconsidered my choice to do the IB program, but I endured and continue to do so. Because I know in the end, all my hard work will most definitely pay off! After doing the IB Program, my college workload will be familiar to me and I will be able to endure that with no problem thanks to IB.