Should lockers still be a necessity?

Lockers are still relevant

Junior Feven Lebamu carries a 15 pound Jansport backpack five times a week for school. As the weeks’ progress, her bag begins to overflow with homework assignments, textbooks, and graded work.
Although a majority of these things are lightweight pieces of paper, all of it begins to accumulate into something much more- something that could lead to a plethora of negative results by the end of the school year.
Thankfully, the school provides lockers for each student to prevent the possible consequences of carrying the heavy weight of a heavy backpack.
By the end of first quarter, Lebamu switched to using her locker to help her store her school books and binders. She only carried them when she needed them.
The changes she felt when walking from class to class were incredible. Getting to and from classes became trouble-free; she had her locker to thank for that.
It’s unfortunate that many students do not use their lockers because taking seven classes means there is a significant load to carry daily.
Lockers serve the purpose to hold necessities that are needed during the day, and although it is an extra trip to make when getting to classes the trip it’s worth the effort. It saves students from the problems caused by carrying the heavy weight of a backpack all day.
Athletes have to bring an extra bag with them to and from school with their equipment and clothing. They do not have to carry it with them.
“I can use my locker to put my practice bag in there for cheerleading, so it’s one less thing for me to carry,” senior Alichia House said.
Using your locker during the day can also help store extra things that people get from classes, such as camera equipment from IB Film studies. It helps keep expensive belongings and valuables safe.
“If I have to carry a camera for class, it’s heavy so I put it in my locker,” senior Dawit Wondwosen said.
A common consequence which could arise from carrying a heavy bag during the day is having musculoskeletal problems. This is especially present when the bag is held on one shoulder. The pressure that is added to the shoulder leads to a tilt of the spine.
Rather than having to get red marks from holding a heavy bag, using a locker is an opportunity for students to save the energy and avoid the pain.