Tips on reading classics

Classic literature may be hard to tackle if you’re not much of a reader of older texts. But there are many ways to take on, understand, and actually enjoy the book you read, whether that be a required text for your IB English class or a book you read for fun.

Tip#1: Break it apart

If you’re reading a long-winding book such as Jane Eyre, you may want to split the book up into small sections even if there are chapter visions already. This is so you can refresh your mind every so pages you choose to section off. You may want to split into sections if your text is rich in vocabulary you are not familiar with and if the style of writing is something you aren’t familiar with.

Tip#2: Grab a dictionary

Many classic novels involve a wide range of vocabulary that can be difficult to decipher and understand the meaning of. It’s best to have a dictionary by your side while reading the book, or take the technology route and use the online dictionary for quicker reference.

Tip#3: Research

If you’re still stuck on a particular page, Google it. While its best to interpret the text on your own first, you could also find that certain paragraph and search it on SparkNotes or other websites specializing in classic literature.