Class of 2020 Holds Elections

Student elections for the class of 2020 happened on Thursday Sept. 29, and many are anticipating

the wait to find out who will become the next president and vice president of the freshmen class.

Many have high hopes and expectations for those who are to take up this high ranking position. During the extended W4, candidates presented their speeches live on the school news channel for their peers to hear.

An email went out explaining how each class grade will have to go to an assigned

destination. Freshmen were to stay in their classes to watch the presidential speeches, whilst the sophomores

went to the auditorium, juniors to the cafeteria and seniors to the gym.

Within the race, there are five positions that the running candidates can fill in; President,

Vice President, and three members of executive board members.

Speaking from personal experiences, being the president is not an easy task. It is up to

the President and board members to call meetings, come up with fundraisers and host them,

and must be the all around student to set examples for others. Student government is another

club to add on the the list of clubs and sports these students typically participate in, so being

able to manage time is key.

The whole point of student elections is to have an organization to help raise money for

their class grade for their senior prom, and for their class gift which they’ll give for the

school when they leave.

The voting process is done online, and each student who votes gets to select 3 names

from the list. By Friday, the results will be in, and during school news, they will announce who

the new President, Vice President, and board members will be.

In most situations, the elections for each class grade is typically portrayed as a

popularity contest, one can only hope that the person they vote for actually knows the reality of

the role they are trying out for. But there are students who root on their friends because they

think they will do well in office.

“I think Kadijah will win because she’s a friendly person, and real

nice all around” said freshmen Duc Ngo. “I’d vote for her”

Another freshmen, Cynthia Nguyen said “Dani would win because she’ll fulfill the role.”