Softball team tries to improve

the 2015 softball team

The varsity girls softball team has had a rough start with a record of 0-4, however there are some bright spots ahead.

“We have been improving our limit to errors in the field and producing runs on offense,” head coach Cragin Winkler said.

The season has had a rough start, yet nothing but working harder is the on the team’s mind.

The team has just come fresh off their second home game against Lee HS. The final score was 13-3, making it a loss for the girls.

The three points were scored by senior Thia Carayiannis.

“We have some kinks but we are working them out. We have moved people around and found every player’s spot to put the best team out on the field,” Winkler said.

The team plans to incorporate these new strategies in every game.

“I think (the new strategies) are a great way for my teammates to learn more of the game and its other positions,” sophomore Nicole Ruano said.

“The whole team is welcoming to the new strategies and hope to improve their skills,” Ruano said.

Some of these strategies include working on the girl’s hits to ensure that they do not miss any hits when they are up to bat.

Another strategy is working on the girl’s catching. This will also help the girl’s performance during the games.

Winkler said the team’s greatest strength is working together and having strong determination.

“The girls always have each other’s backs and work with each other to push the team to get better every practice and every game,” Winkler said.

The dedication that each player has to the team has a great impact on how the players feel during practices and games.

“Their determination helps us in games because they fight until the end and always push until the end of the game,” Winkler said.

Not only does Winkler think the team has a strong determination, but so do the team members.

“The team tries its hardest to win. Our goal for every game is to win, therefore we try our hardest every game,” Ruano said.

One of the team’s main goals for the season is to get as many runs as the opposing team. “We want to win as many games as possible,” Ruano said.

Ruano has scored a total of five points this season, she is striving to beat her personal record every game.

Every member of the team has a different goal for the team as a whole.

“For everyone to get one hit in the season is probably my biggest goal for this season,” freshman Elizabeth Corcoran said about her goal for the team.

Corcoran being one of the top scorers on the team, she as well as the other people on the team are looking to score more.

“Playing softball is something that I have done for a long time so it is a really great feeling when we have a game,” Corcoran said.

With all the girls having dedication and perseverance, they are sure that their next game against South County will be a win.

“We all have really good chemistry together and we are all really good friends, so that makes practices and games so much easier to play,” Ruano said. “The rest of the season should be a good one.”

Come support the varsity softball team at their next home game against South County today at 6:30 p.m, if the weather permits.