Tips on working with teachers

1. Show that you care about your grade – Even if it isn’t necessary to attend review sessions or do practice problems, doing so shows teachers that you are serious about your grade.

2. Be active in class – Volunteering to answer questions and participating in discussions may not be appealing to some students, but you should at least try to be a part of the class.

3. Don’t avoid talking with teachers – Having to explain a bad test score or a missing homework to a teacher can be stressful for any student, but if you try to hide what you did wrong you will get nowhere. Instead of avoiding criticism from parents and teachers, talk with them about what you need help with and what you can do to improve your grade.

4. Be honest – Making up excuses won’t resolve any problems you have in class, and can damage a teacher’s trust in you.

5. Be respectful – Students may not always have a good relationship with their teachers, but a personal conflict is no reason to be disrespectful. Teachers are people, and have their own lives and responsibilities, but at the end of the day their goal is to help students learn and do well in life.