Miracle Leave-In Plus Keratin Review

Miracle Leave-In Plus Keratin is an excellent hair treatment that can be used alone or as a restorative styling product. It works on all hair types to bring out the natural look and while also making your hair stronger and healthier.

It can be used on wet hair for extra shine or dry hair in place of a styling cream. The key ingredients are panthenol, sunflower seed extract, silk amino acids, hydrolyzed keratin, keratin amino acids.

“I use this everyday on my hair after getting out of the shower. It has made such an amazing difference in my hair and I am not planning to ever go without it” sophomore Isabella Mesfun said.

This is the product surprisingly works on the level four hair. You could spray it in your hair and it’s turns to silk so easy to brush through. Use it every once in awhile just to keep your hair healthy and strong.

This product is known to remove the tone from blonde hair and the color in general. It smells and feels great but ruins your color at times. That is something to look at for, unless you don’t mind the slight color change in your hair.

It is recommended to spray on wet hair and it detangles, protects from heat, smooths, it’s just fantastic yet expensive, but worth the cost. A little goes a long way and it effectively detangles knotted hair, it is not at all heavy.

If you’re looking for a good leave in conditioner, this is it as well.  An awesome product to use if your experiencing dry, damaged hair or split ends. It makes your hair feel soft again.

This product which is known as a detangler, heat protector, a frizz calmer and flyaways it is quick, easy, convenient. A little pricey, but worth it.