Why Was the Sweetheart Formal canceled?

Why Was the Sweetheart Formal canceled?

After months of preparation by the Leadership team for the Sweetheart formal, set to take place on Feb. 18, 2023, has been canceled due to low ticket sales.


The dance was set to take place in the schools main gym at 8:30 p.m., many have speculated that tickets did not sell well due to tickets progressively costing more and more after each week that had passed. 


Although there was a lot of work put into the dance and was raising money for the senior prom, the cancellation has left many seniors disappointed and upset.


“I am upset about the cancellation of the Valentine’s day dance because the same thing happened freshman year, we had a winfo [winter formal] and not enough students wanted to participate. People complain about the school being boring and like not having many events but if no one wants to participate, it’s not going to happen. But I was looking forward to a fun senior year and one of the bigger events got canceled,” senior Kaylee Rivera said.


To top it all off, lots of pressure has been put on leadership to come up with another way to raise money for senior prom.


“We had to reach a limit of 250 people, so we had to cancel the dance. Everybody will be receiving a refund. It would have really helped the senior class out, because obviously we need funds for prom and this would’ve been a huge fundraiser,” Leadership President Rahiel Berhe said


Tickets will be refunded through My School Bucks and an official statement will be made in the following weeks.