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Summer Bucket list

Summer Bucket list


As summer soon approaches, students are eager to make plans with their friends and get a break from school. Summer bucket lists are known for being a fun way to plan and organize exciting activities that you want to do during the summer break which is what students will be doing. 

“This summer I plan on locking in, learning a new sport like soccer and volleyball because I plan on getting on the team next year” says sophomore Giancarlos Arevalos “I’m also excited for going to the beach with my family and friends” 

It is like creating a checklist of adventures you want to do before the summer ends. It can include things like traveling to new places, trying new foods, learning new skills, or enjoying the warm weather with friends and family. It’s a great way to make the most of your summer and create lasting memories. 

“I am excited this summer to hang out with my friends and family. I am ready to go to carnivals, the beach, and camping” Says sophomore Meilhi Leon “But most of all I am just excited to get a break from school. Having a summer bucket list is a great way to help me plan and prioritize the things I want to do during the summer. It helps me create memorable experiences.”

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