Cosi: Expanding your horizons

As you walk the streets of Washington D.C. treat your taste buds to Cosi cafe! Cosi offers a menu full of different types of yummy sandwiches from their freshly baked signature flatbread sides to their seasonal Chipotle Pumpkin soup. Their known for their toasted sandwiches and pizzas made from their hearty flat bread.

It has many locations scattered throughout the DMV area. The closest location to Annandale is in Arlington, VA on Crystal City Drive.

My groups of friends and I fell in love with the interior design. The setting of the cafe is very “cosi”. Designed with brick ovens in order to oven bake their flatbread pizza. A unique touch they have added was to their dessert menu.

The highlight of our time spent there was of course dessert! We were able to try the s’more station and share it between the four of us. The cafe gives the unique opportunity to create your own s’mores by offering a tabletop fire pit along with chocolate bars and graham crackers. What better way to enjoy the fall season conversating over a mini campfire with a group of friends?

Cosi’s bread and pizza are baked in an open-flame oven in plain sight for all customers to see. The name of the cafe is based on a cafe in Paris, France.  Their decor consists of paintings

The facility is very clean and well kept. Their employee’s are very friendly and happy to help. Their menu’s are very legible and are not limited to just above the cashier. They are also posted consistently throughout the cafe, in addition to their handheld laminated copies.

Cosi is a perfect place to go this fall season to relax and unwind as you prepare for the hectic holiday season!


We highly recommend this cafe.

Grade: A